Red Wing Lid

Hi, I have a few pieces of Red Wing that I bought pre auction from a couple that were selling some of their red wing because they were moving. I have a chamber pot no markings, a casserole marked made in red wing mn on bottom and a 4 gallon crock lid marked with 4 on one petal. Also a butter crock that I\’m not sure is Red Wing. Can you determine the value of each piece and if the butter crock is Red Wing. Thank you.
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Red Wing Crock

I have found a crock with a red wing on it…it appears to be very old 1 gal. there are no other marks of any kind. I am interested in history on Red Wing as to weather all pieces have numbers or signatures. Is it true that the older 1910 pcs. only had the Red Wing with no other markings. Sorry no picture Could you suggest a good book for info. Thank you Joyce
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4 Gallon Spongeware Water Cooler

Hello…I have a 4 gallon blue sponge ware ice water cooler with a 2 gallon lid. Could you please let me know if it is Red Wing and whether it is valuable enought to professionally restore the crack in the cooler and the two large chunks out of the lid? Thank you for your time. Terry
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5 Gallon Red Wing Crock

I have attached a picture of a 5 gallon Red Wing crock; I believe it is a bailed packing jar with lid, but I’m not sure. Would you please give me some information about this crock (correct name, value, etc.). It is in very good condition; no cracks or chips. Thanks for your time. Melinda
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I have a friend who’s mother has an unusual piece of pottery. It is round at the top about 2 feet at the top and gets narrower at the bottom where there is a poigot at the bottom. It is about 6 ft tall and sits on a stand. It is made of crockery. Do you have any idea what this might be, and might it be Red Wing??

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Advertising Jugs

Hi I have two advertising jugs and would like to know if they are Red Wing and some prices and any other info you may know on the jugs? The first jug 1/2 gallon with brown top the Sterling Wine House corner of Seventh and Cedar streets, St. Paul, Minn has a couple of very small chips. The second jug is a bail handled jug with brown top Jacob Esch 447 Cedar Street St. Paul, Minn this jug is in very good condition. thank you Paul
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5 Gallon North Star Button Water Cooler Lid

Hi, Have a Red Wing? water cooler lid 11 3/4" dia. that has a 5 point star surrounding a raised knob that has 5W incised. There are 3 cobalt blue rings and a 3/4" wide unglazes ring between the 2 outer rings. Please tell me the history and value (a few outer rim chips) Thank you. MIke
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