The Red Wing Collectors Society Newsletter is the major communication resource for members on the RWCS activities, new information being researched and latest finds.
The RWCS started publishing its newsletter shortly before is first Convention in 1977. Five issues are mailed out annually to current primary members. Here’s a sampling of the great articles published.
- ” A light at the End of the Tunnel” – The first step of preserving Red Wing’s Tunnel Kiln
- “Crocky Mountain High” – A visit with Denver’s Jack May and Steve Davis
- “Minnesota vs Michigan” – The Battle for the Little Brown Jug
Sample Article: “The Morley Jug Comes Home”
The RWCS Newsletter is the #1 resource information on:
- Recent Finds & Deals
- Classified for buying and selling, publications, meetings
- Ads for auctions, flea markets and events for the Collector
- Convention and MidWinter Get Together Information
This and so much more is available to
you as a member of the RWCS. Join Today and start to experience the passion. To learn about other membership benefits click here!

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Contact our editor:
Rick Natynski
History of the RWCS Newsletter
The birth of the RWCS Newsletter was the vision of RWCS Member Dave Newkirk in April of 1977. That first issue had 53 members receiving the Newsletter, however by December of that year about 300 Newsletter were being printed. Mr. Newkirk continued to publish the RWCS Newsletter until December of 1995. His newsletters formed the RWCS Culture and brought collectors’ stories to life. Today these issues of the RWCS Newsletter are some of the best reference material available for both new and advanced collectors alike.
Due to their education value and excellent storytelling, the newsletters produced by Newkirk have become collectible in their own right. Today, a complete set of RWCS Newsletters from 1977 to 2007 Can exchange hands for a few hundred dollars if and when they are offered for sale.
In 1996, a new editor started producing the newsletter with the covers and a few content pages in full-color. As Red Wing dinnerware and art pottery became more popular, it began to garner more coverage. Editorial responsibilities changed hands one more time in 2000 before current newsletter editor and RWCS member Rick Natynski was brought on in 2006, bringing full-color to the entire publication, not to mention his passion for stoneware and his budding interest in different dinnerware and art pottery lines.
Even 30 years after the Red Wing Collectors Society was formed, the newsletter is still filled with new content. Pottery history, the discovery of unknown pieces, Red Wing advertising stoneware features, collector profiles, Society news, photos and prizes realized continue to quench the membership’s thirst for knowledge. Today, more than 2,000 newsletters are mailed to members five times a year, and the Society has more than 3,000 members, with many households having multiple memberships.