Housing 2019

MidWinter 2019 information


Isle Casino Hotel Bettendorf
1800 Isle Parkway
Bettendorf, IA 52722

Click http://www.islebettendorf.com/

Rates good through: Thursday, February 9, 2019
Book your Room Today!

You can book your room in the NORTH TOWER now! If you are planning to sell out of your room, please request SECOND AND THIRD FLOOR in the NORTH TOWER. More floors will be added to the Room Sale area as needed.

Reservations can be made by:
1. The call center, 1-800-843-4753, identify group code REDWING
2. Online Reservations, visit: http://www.islebettendorf.com/
-    click on the “Book a Room” button at the top right-hand corner of the page
-    input desired dates in “Arrival & Departure”
-    enter group code REDWING in the “Offer Code”
-    click select “Check Availability” (The room types in the block will automatically populate)
3. If guests have any questions, issues, request a different room type or book dates outside the block, please contact Ann Klundt, Sales Representative, 563-441-7115 or ann.klundt@islecorp.com

Block Rates for the MidWinter (available until Thursday, February 9, 2019)

Mon & Tue    Single King             $69.99++
Mon & Tue    Double Queen     $79.99++

Wed & Thr    Single King    $89.99++
Wed & Thr    Double Queen    $99.99++

Fri & Sat     Single King    $99.99++
Fri & Sat     Double Queen     $109.99++

Mon & Tue    Junior / Parlor Suites FLAT RATE-    $119.99++
Wed & Thr    Junior / Parlor Suites FLAT RATE-    $139.99++
Fri & Sat    Junior / Parlor Suites FLAT RATE-    $169.99++

Guestroom rate includes breakfast for each registered guest in the Farmer’s Pick Buffet

++Rate does not include taxes.