
Membership advantages

The Red Wing Collectors Society (RWCS) is truly unique and not like any other you may have belonged to. The RWCS offers its members a way to share their passion for collecting the pottery made in Red Wing, MN.

There are a number of ways to join us online, mail, email, or phone 651-388-4004. We accept Mastercard, Visa, and Discover via the website and phone. Please mail checks to: RWCS, PO BOX 50, RED WING, MN 55066

Join Now or Renew Today

Printable Membership Form

Membership Brochure

Membership in the RWCS offers many benefits:

  • Receive the official RWCS Newsletter
  • Attend annual RWCS events like the July Convention and February MidWinter Get Together
  • Purchase the limited edition commemorative
  • Join the network of over 3,000 members nationwide Red Wing Pottery Collectors
  • Access educational Video Lending Library from event education sessions
  • Networking with other member to help you increase your knowledge of Red Wing Pottery
  • Regional/State Chapter events and meetings

All this and so much for for just $35 dollars a year! ($15 a year if you are the second person in the household as an Associate Member)

Have more question or would like to receive a membership brochure by mailed email or call 800-977-7927.

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