Display Room

2017 Display

Members interested in participating in Display can download the contract below and send it to Display Chair, Tyler Green. Display is open to all members of the Red Wing Collectors Society. There is no fee to set up a display; but, members must be registered for the Convention.

2017 Display Contract – now available for 2017

2017 Display set up time:
Wednesday, July 5, 2017 12-3:00 pm
Thursday, July 6, 2017 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.


2017 Removal time

Friday, July 7, 2017 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Viewing Hours – Be sure to mark your calendar to visit the displays during Convention Week!

Thursday, July 6 – 10:30am - 2:00pm
Friday, July 7 – 8:00am – 1:00pm



Volunteers are Needed!

Display Volunteer Page Sign upWednesday through Saturday volunteers are needed to help with staffing room, balloting, setup/teardown, and general support.

See Display in a whole new way!

Tyler Green Display Chair

Tyler is 18 years old and  graduated from Roosevelt High School. My parents are Kristine and Jeff Green My grandparents are Gaylord and Loretta Helmbrecht I live in Sioux Falls, South Dakota I’m in choir , Red Wing, and theater And I’m employed at hobby lobby. I took on display because I love to help in the community’s I’m involved in and I view Red Wing as one of my community’s and I collect mini jugs and commemoratives.


About display

Each year at the Annual July Convention Members have an opportunity to set up displays of real Red Wing Pottery and Stoneware. The categories of competition are:

  • Stoneware
  • Dinnerware
  • Art Pottery
  • Memorabilia
  • Rare Item

Non-Competitive Categories
RWCS Chapters or the RWCS Commemorative Committee may choose to participate in this display type. The non-competitive displays may include signage identifying the Displayers but no “For Sale or Looking For” signs are allowed.

Competitive Displays
There are 9 total possible awards: Best of Show and People’s Choice in each of the standard categories stoneware, dinnerware, art pottery, and memorabilia. The is one winner for the People’s Choice Dennis Yaeggi Rare Item Award. The winning display member will received one of the 18 Convention special commemorative. Follow the links below to see previous Convention Winners:

If you are interested in participating in the Display Room Please contact our display managers via email or the RWCS Business Office.

About Display

What types of displays are there? The display room has space for both competitive and non competitive displays. Only competitive displays are eligible to win a special commemorative. Most non competitive displays are put together by RWCS Chapters.

What are the standard display categories? Art Pottery, Dinnerware, Memorabilia or Stoneware. There also is the Dennis Yaeggie Rare Item Award.

Who is eligible to display? Any RWCS member in good standing and registered for the Convention.

Is the Display area secure? The Display Chair/Committee/ and RWCS Board of Directors make reasonable efforts to safeguard property of the displayers. The RWCS does provide 24-hour security for the loan period either by Contracted Security during display hours or locking the room when the Display room is not in operation.

What are the awards for display? There are 9 possible awards: Best of Show and People’s Choice in each of the standard categories (Art Pottery, Dinnerware, Memorabilia, Stoneware), and one for People’s Choice Dennis Yaeggi Rare Item Award. The winning display member will receive a special commemorative. If a display wins both Best of Show and People’s Choice, only one special commemorative is awarded.

Are their rules for display? Yes, those are outlined on the annual Display Contract for each convention. Displayers are required to read the document, sign and return it to the Display Chair before the convention.

