City of Red Wing, MN

Red Wing, MN is home to the Red Wing Collectors Society. It’s also a great place to visit all year round. The RWCS Annual Convention is always in July in this beautiful river town; we encourage you to visit Red Wing year round too.

There are a number of great organizations that promote the City of Red Wing and provide calendar of events, along with information on places to stay, dining, and activities.

Whether planning for Convention or another time to visit Red Wing. These pages will help you find out what is going on in Red Wing, MN every weekend throughout the year.

Things to do during the 2017 Convention! – posted spring of 2017

Republican Eagle – newspaper – find out what is happening in Red Wing all year round
Map of the City of Red Wing Showing where historic buildings in Red Wing are located. Also marked on the map is how to find the Red Wing High School.