Sponsorship Opportunities

2017 Convention Sponsorships!

  • Crock Hunt – (July 1-8, 12-15 locations) – The Crock Hunt brings members and the community to your business to find a pottery piece “hidden” at your business during convention week. The participant form, which includes your business logo, address, and pottery photo, is printed in the Republican Eagle Convention Supplement and distributed through the Red Wing Chamber, Red Wing Visitors Bureau, and online. ***Pottery pieces are available by contacting Stacy Wegner, RWCS Executive Director
    Site $50
  • CROCK FEST- (Friday, July 7, at the Pottery Museum of Red Wing) – Be an event sponsor for this Collector Night at the Pottery Museum either with your sponsor dollars or through a door prize. Event sponsors will be included on event signage. Sponsors over $200 will have their logo included on event promotion and signage.  

  • Convention Sponsor: As an official supporter of the Convention, your business will be promoted at all Convention events at Red Wing High School, Crock Fest, and other RWCS Convention activities. Sponsors over $300 will have their logo included on individual event signage.  

  • Convention Banquet- ( Saturday, July 8 at Mount Frontenac Golf Course)-  Promote your business through a monetary donation or door prize.
  • Official Convention Street Banner: Have your business logo/image on the street banners that hang around downtown Red Wing. Order from the RWCS Office and we will take care of repair, storage, hanging, and removal. Contact the RWCS office for more details.

Convention Supplement Advertising
In partnership with the Republican Eagle, the Convention Supplement is the number one resource that attendees use to get their complete convention information. This 20+ page publication is distributed in the Red Wing Republican Eagle on Wednesday of Convention week, on the Republican Eagle and RWCS website, and to each convention attendee. In addition, they are available in the RWCS Office and new member packets following the Convention.

Please consider one of these sponsorship opportunities to promote your business. By committing before  May 15, it ensures recognition throughout the Convention. Download the full packet or form below:

2017 Convention Sponsor Information Packet

2017 Convention Sponsor Form

Contact the RWCS Business Office at 651-388-4004 or email director@redwingcollectors.org to become a sponsor today!


Over 1,000 RWCS members attend the convention each year, more than 35% of our membership. The Convention is your opportunity to reach these collectors that annual make the trip to Red Wing from all across the United States.


Continually over 350 of our members attend MidWinter. Like Convention there are a number of ways to promote your organization to our attendees.

Door Prize Donation
This is your opportunity to promote your business through a door prize at our the Friday Night Social or the Saturday Show and Sale.

Brochure and Publication Distribution
Consider providing flyer’s, poster, brochures, antique publications distributed at one of our events. You provide the copies and deliver to the RWCS office or event site and we will make sure they get in the hands of our attendees.

To learn more about these sponsorship and other ways for your to be apart of these events, contact the Executive Director at 800-977-7927 or director@redwingcollectors.org.