Red Wing 30 gallon crock


We picked this up from a Craig’s List ad yesterday. We absolutely love it and are curious of its value and uses. What were these enormous crocks used for? It doesn’t have a kid bit appears to have had one previously. If does have about a 12 in hairline crack starting at the rim and going down. I compared the stamp to ones on the website and it appears to match the one from 1917-1918 time frame. Aside from fhe hairline crack, it is in great shape. We are excited to have gotten it and would like information about it. If you could help us we would be so grateful. Mainly what they were used for and possible value and as much information as you can possibly provide. I realize the crack diminishes the value by half or so. Thank you so very much.



Charla, you were close to the date on your Red Wing 30 gallon crock.  It dates 1912 to 1915.  These large crocks were used for food storage.  Anywhere from cook down meats to vegetables.  If your 30 gallon crock were in mint condition, the value would be $300 to $350. With the hairline. 4150 to $200.  Very pretty piece and well marked.  Al Kohlman

Red Wing beehive stamped Mercury


I have a collection of mercury jugs some of which are red wing.  From what I understand your signature is the outlined square around the word Mercury is that correct?

I have attached a pic of a beehive shaped mini that is about 2 3/4 inches high and 1 7/8 inches in diameter.

Can your expert tell me the value?




George, the mini Red Wing beehive stamped Mercury has a value around $250.  The rectangular framed Red Wing Mercury jug is between $150 & $175.  Al Kohlman

10 gallon Red Wing Water Cooler


Dear Sirs,

I have inherited the attached item, and I was wondering what information you have on it that you might share with me. Such as: when it was made, what it’s estimated worth is and so on.

I have contacted Red Wing and they told me to contact you with my inquiry. I am most curious, although I have little intention of selling it. 

Red Wing is quoting me a price to build a new lid for it, and I am also ordering a spigot from them, unless of course, there is a way to find such original pieces. 

Thank you for your time, and Merry Christmas! 


Your 10 gallon Red Wing Water cooler was produced between 1915 & 1930.  Without the lid and spigot, the value in perfect condition is between $450 & $550.  If you go to the Red Wing convention in July, you would be able to find the original “Central” spigots there.  They sell for around $50.  I would think you could find an original lid as well, but they would be a little more difficult to find.  Al Kohlman

Anti-Flu League mini jugs


Hi I have this Anti Flu League mini jug in mint condition.Any information on the anti flu league and value.I haven’t seen one for sale.THANKS not a very good photo sorry.


You do not see many of these Anti-Flu League mini jugs for sale.  In perfect condition the value is between $1000 & $1500,  Nice mini  Al Kohlman

8 gallon transitional elephant ear crock with no oval and Albany slip interior


  What would be the value of a 8 gallon transitional elephant ear crock be in good condition?  It has the hand written 8, the stamped elephant ear leaves, no oval amd albany interior.  Also, what about a 20 gallon elephant ear crock, 20 stamp, leaf stamp and oval?
Thanks, Dru


Dru, an 8 gallon transitional elephant ear crock with no oval and Albany slip interior has a value between $500 & $700 in in perfect condition.  If it had the oval the value would be higher.  A 20 gallon elephant ear crock with a single set of ears and oval would have a value between $250 & $350 in perfect condition with excellent markings.  Al Kohlman

3 gallon birch leaf churn is a Minnesota Stoneware Company


Al, a 3 gallon churn very good condition. I noticed the leaves show ragged edges, in my price guides looked like Minnesota Stoneware but then what do I know. No lid. Sorry I keep finding these items that don’t match exactly to those in the guides.  Also on the 5 gallon beehive, I have two 3 gallon beehives…. Same pricing as 5 gallon??? Both 3’s are in very good-excellent condition. Al thank you.



Chuck, your 3 gallon birch leaf churn is a Minnesota Stoneware Company piece.  Red Wing did not put molded handles on their pieces.  With the light decorations, no oval and not fully complete leaves, your 3 gallon churn in perfect condition has a value in the area of $130 to $140.   On your 3 gallon beehives.  In perfect condition $300 to $350.  Al Kohlman

6 gallon Minnesota Stoneware Company Ice Water



I have a stoneware water cooler app. 15 and one half inches tall. On the front is a large cursive numeral 6. Below that is written “ice water” in block printing. Under that is an oval with “union stoneware red wing minnesota”. Further down are two birch leaves and at the bottom is a hole for a spigot. The cooler seems to be without cracks or chips.  Would you please give me an app. value and refer me to a picture of the correct lid and spigot?             Thank you for your attention. Michael


Michael, you have a 6 gallon Minnesota Stoneware Company Ice Water.  In perfect condition with excellent markings, the value is between $800 & $1000.  If you go to the Red Wing Collectors Society’s and look under “stoneware”.  There should be photos of Red Wing lids.  Your Ice Water would take a 5 gallon Red Wing white button crock lid.  This would be the correct lid for this piece.  The spigot would be the central push button spigot.  You would need the older spigot and not one of the newer ones.  Al Kohlman

2 gallon Red Wing reverse crock


What can you tell me about this 2 gallon crock with the oval and wing reversed? Carolyn


Carolyn, your 2 gallon Red Wing crock with oval over in perfect condition is valued between $75 & $100.  It was produced between 1912 & 1930 or so.  Al Kohlman

Semon’s Fair Store advertising beater jar and #5 beehive jug


What can you tell me about this Semon’s Fair Store advertising beater jar at this #5 jug with no decorations. Thanks Chuck


Chuck, your Red Wing beater jar with Semon’s Fair Store advertising is valued between $175 & $200 in perfect condition.  Your Red Wing beehive jug with just the #5 and no decoration or advertising is around $150 in mint condition.   Hope this helps. Al Kohlman

15 gallon Birch leaf crock with the chips



I just acquired this crock and was hoping for some more information about it.  I called Redwing today and the lady I spoke to said it was made between 1877 and 1906.  I was wondering if the hole in the center is original or not.  And it’s possible value. 

Thank you or your time



Betty, your Red Wing 15 gallon Birch leaf crock with the chips under the handle and hole (which is not original….it has been drilled) has a value around $75 to $100.  That hole is what hurts the value.  Other than that it is a nice looking crock.  Al Kohlman