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Hi, Thank you for this wonderful web site. Research here and at the links provided I have identified a recent Red Wing purchase I made. It is a casual line water jug in Tip-Toe. It has the ice lip and is 14 inches at the spout and approx 6 inch diameter at the widest part. Is this the large water jug? I learned Tip-Toe was introduced in 1955, how many years was it in production? I ask because I love it so much I’m thinking of looking for more pieces, is there much of it out there? Is it popular with collectors? I didn’t see very much Tip-Toe on ebay so I’m concerned it would be hard to find. By the way it is in excellent condition, no chips, cracks or crazing, looks like it was never used, could you give me an estimated value? I hope I paid an appropriate amount but in any case I’m happy it’s mine. Thank you very much for the wonderful site and for your reply. Marianne

Answer: Tip Toe is one of several patterns made in the Casual shape. Tip Toe was introduced in 1958 and was in production through 1960, although remaining stock continued to be available for several years. The 14 inch pitcher is indeed the larger and less common of the two water pitchers. Company brochures refer to this size as 112 oz. The smaller pitcher holds 60 oz and is 11.5 to 12 inches tall.

Tip Toe is not among of Red Wing’s more popular patterns, but there are definitely people who collect it. It is not rare but isn’t especially common either. Like all patterns some pieces are more difficult to find than others. Tip Toe turns up on eBay quite regularly but sellers don’t always know the name of the pattern, so a search for "Tip Toe" may miss some listings. If you like the pattern, Tip Toe would be a good choice for a beginning collector. You may have to dig a little to find it but it can be found. And prices are more affordable that some of the more popular patterns. You already have one of the more difficult pieces to find. I haven’t seen a Tip Toe 112 oz pitcher sell recently but would estimate the value at $50-75.
