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Hello Al, I just sent a question and was given an error message so I am trying again. I would like some information about my 5 gallon ball lock jar with the redwing potteries oval. Is the top an unusual color – I’ve only seen them in white and the shape is more like a bee hive rather than crock bottom. I don’t have the original lid and there are a few severe cracks in the side but I would like to know more about this crock and how much you feel it is worth. Thank you for doing this. William
Answer: William your Red Wing ball lock jar (apple sauce jar) was manufactured between 1936 & 1947. The lid would be an Albany slip lid (or the same dark color as the top). With all the damage and the late manufacturing time frame, the value would be between $20 & $30 the way I see it here. Al Kohlman