1 gallon Red Wing crock lid

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Al, thanks for the answer to my 1 gallon crock question recently. Just happens now that I have come across a 1 gallon lid for sale. Wondering if you can confirm that this is a Redwing lid. It sure looks like it, but the petals appear to have have an odd shape to me, more of a point on the outside edge. As you may be able to see, it has a chip on the back of the button handle and 2 chips underneath on the outside of the lip. Could you tell me what a fair price/worth for this would be? Also, were button lids made prior to the flat handle lids, or were both made during the same year. Thanks again for your time. Darrell


Answer: Darrell, the 1 gallon lid pictured is Red Wing. And yes, the button lids are the earlier lids. With the chip in the button and the 2 chips underneath, the value would be between $35 & $50. Al Kohlman