Lute Song, True China line

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I have found True China "Lute" pattern at my thrift shop. Would you use this china for every day or is it for collecting only? there are 6 dinner plates, 6 salad plates and various serving platters, lidded 3C size pot with a straight handle and butterdish. Do you know how much it could be worth? Kami

Answer: How an owner chooses to use Red Wing dinnerware is entirely up to the owner. Lute Song dinnerware is not a rare pattern and I’d never say it is "for collecting only". Red Wing dinnerware was made to serve food, and it’s wonderful if the owner enjoys using it for everyday meals.

As for value of this collection, there is no mention of the condition of these pieces and I’d need further details on the "various serving platters". I’m also unclear on the "lidded 3C size pot". In excellent condition the dinner plates are worth around $15 each, the salad plates $7.50 each, and the butter dish with cover around $50. Any damage to an item will reduce the value significantly.
