Pumpkin-shaped Teapot

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I’ve had a fun little Red Wing teapot since 1980, purchased at a thrift store for about $5.00. It has a pumpkin shape, very mild crazing, no chips, in pale pink. The crazing is more apparent on the interior as it was stained by tea. Now I’m in the mode to downsize and since I haven’t used this in 10 plus years, it’s time to sell it. The question is, how much? Sorry, I don’t have a picture, but I’m just trying to get a general idea. Thank you! Carol

Answer: This teapot was made in the early 1940s as part of the extensive Gypsy Trail line. These are not difficult to find today and pink is a common color. Antique shops price this teapot in the $50-75 range but they usually sell for around $25 on eBay.
