Blossom Time pattern, concord shape yellow pieces

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I am pretty sure that my pattern is called Blossom Time, but what I am not sure of is that it is yellow. The only Blossom Time I can find when I do research is in Green. The Yellow is bright and cheery and consistant with all the pieces with the set. I have teacups too with the yellow color on the outside and the Blossom Time Pattern on the inside, I have sugar bowls and creamers, ect.. At first I wondered if the lids and bottoms got mixed with another set but I really don’t believe it to be the case since I have so many peices with the yellow. Could you tell me if Yellow is just a variation of this pattern or if I have identified the pattern wrong all together. Thanks so much! Debbie

Answer: The name of the pattern shown in the photo is indeed Blossom Time. It is one of around 20 patterns produced in the Concord shape. Like many of the Concord patterns, Blossom Time flatware featured the pattern’s floral design while the hollowware was a solid color. Blossom Time hollowware was available in two colors: Forest Green and Sunlight Yellow. As you’ve noted most Blossom Time we find today is Forest Green; the Sunlight Yellow apparently did not sell as well. And you’ve made a great observation with your teacups. Cups were the only item in the set with both the solid exterior color and the hand painted floral decoration on a single piece. So rest assured your cheery yellow pieces do indeed belong to your Blossom Time set.
