Village Green Coffee Server

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I have this Red Wing Pitcher that has these little knobs that protrude midway down on each side, as it must have sat on some sort of stand to cook? is it for Bathing? its rather large, can get better photos and measurements if need be. If you look good at the photo you can see one of the knoby things sticking out, sort of peg shaped.


Answer: You have a Village Green 1 gallon coffee server. It came with a black metal stand. The sides of the stand form an X, and each of the two side knobs would rest in an X. The pot could then be tilted to pour coffee.

A Village Green coffee server would have a green cover. Red Wing also made these and other Village Green pieces for Ernest Sohn; the pieces made for Sohn had brown covers with knobs similar in shape to yours. But the photo doesn’t provide sufficient detail for me to determine if yours is a Sohn cover or some other brown cover used to replace the original.
