Art pottery Collection B-1419 (Belle Kogan designer), M-1517 (Charles Murphy designer), 831 and 1259

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I have five pieces of artware that I can’t find in my books. Could you help me with some answers as to when they were made and the value of each. They are all in perfect condition. Large grey vase with pink on the inside #B1419. Two wall pockets one green one brown #M1517. Brown ashtray #831. Yellow Vase, grey inside #1259. Thank you so much for any insight. Jason

Answer: Hi Jason

the M1517 wallpockets are from around 1956, designed by Charles Murphy. Their value is around 60.00 each. see the links for the other pieces, thanks, steve n rose

Previous Question

B- 1419 – Belle Kogan designer:

831 Butterfly ashtray:

1259 Vase: