Newsletter Bidding Process

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The RWCS issued a request for bidders to publish
the RWCS Newsletter in February, 2005.  Bidding specifications
were sent to prospective bidders with a deadline for all proposals
being June 1, 2005.  There were six bids submitted to
the Newsletter liaison.

The process for selection of the Newsletter contract is as follows:

  • Board members have received a summary of all of the prospective bids.
  • Each prospective bidder will present their proposal to the Board at the Board of Directors meeting on July 6, 2005.
  • Each
    prospective bidder will have a display of their individual prototype at
    the Red Wing High School during Convention so the membership can view
  • Every member attending the
    Convention will have an opportunity to submit their vote for the
    prototype most meeting their approval.
  • The prospective bidders will present their proposal at the Annual Business Meeting on July 8, 2005.
  • The
    Board of Directors will make their final decision based on the votes
    from the membership and the presentations to the Board and membership
    on July 10, 2006.
  • The award will be
    made within two weeks after the Convention and a contract between the
    RWCS and the Newsletter winning bidder will be developed and signed.
  • The new contract will begin January 1, 2006 for a period of time not to exceed two years.

Newletter contract is reviewed every two years.  There is the
ability to extend the contract for one two year period if all parties
are in agreement. 

Please take the time to
review all of the prospective bidder prototypes at this year’s
Convention and give your input to the Board about which bid best meets
your expectation. Your input counts and is necessary.

If you have any questions regarding the bidding process, please contact Wendy Callicoat, Vice President, RWCS.

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