Yellow Butter warmer, after market

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I am hoping that you will pass this on to the dinnerware experts.  I have this butter warmer in yellow.  I don’t see it anywhere in my Red Wing book.  On the internet, I see a “smart set” and in the Bob White pattern.  Nothing in the simple yellow.  I am wondering if it is from the same time frame as the yellow chicken teapot as well.  Any information is appreciated.

Thanks for your time and effort,




The yellow butter warmer was made by an amateur pottery using an old Red Wing mold.  It was not made by Red Wing Potteries.  The mold is in the Casual shape, which is the dinnerware line that included the Bob White and Smart Set patterns.  But this piece was made later, probably in the 1970s or 1980s.


The company assets were sold to the public when Red Wing Potteries closed in 1967.  The molds used to form a wide variety of dinnerware and art pottery pieces were included in those assets, and many of those molds were purchased by art schools and amateur potters.  No effort was made to remove the Red Wing name from those molds because the company was no longer in business, thus there was no perceived need to protect the company name.


There are many “Red Wing” pieces out there that were made by amateur potters.  Many of them have a date and the potter’s name or initials scratched into the bottom.  As best I can tell this butter warmer does not have those features.  But the color is a shade of yellow not found on authentic Red Wing pieces.  And the numerous flakes in the glaze all over the piece are a strong indication that this was the work of an amateur potter.


