5 gallon triple leaf, drop 8 with quotes, leaf; 6 gallon leaf, butterfly, rib cage; 20 gallon butterfly; 15 drop 8 with quotes

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I have recently inherited several crocks and as wondering if you could tell me what they are worth.  They are all in good condition with no fractures.  Thank-you for your time.  I have attached the photos.



Ellyn, your (1) Red Wing 5 gallon salt glazed leaf crock as quite a stain issue that will affect it’s value.  $200 to $225 at best.  The  (3) 5 gallon drop 8 with quotations $350 to $400.  The (4) 6 gallon leaf crock, $350 to $400,  The (5) 5 gallon triple leaf “Wow” $3500 to $4500. The (6)  6 gallon Butterfly has a stain issue $400 to $450. The (7) 20 gallon front stamped butterfly, (the butterfly is somewhat weak)  $1200 to $1300, An (9) 6 gallon rib cage crock has stain issues $300 to $350.  Lastly, (10) 15 gallon drop 8 with quotations, $1000.  Hope this is helpful. Al Kohlman