Red Wing stamped this 1 gallon shoulder jug

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Dear Sir,

I have a 1 gallon redwing funnel top all white with a mall red wing on the side.

I cannot find it in any of the books I have and so I suspect that it is rare.

Do you have any idea of the value?





Dale, you do indeed have a rare one here.   My guess Red Wing stamped this 1 gallon shoulder jug in the same time period they placed the red wing on the 1/2, 1 & 2 gallon brown top vinegar jugs in the 1930′s.   However, this is the first all white zinc glazed 1 gallon shoulder jug with a small red wing that I have seen.  With this being said, it is hard for me to place a value on it as I do not have another to compare it to.  It could very well hit a $1000 or even a little higher to the right collector.  The one gallon brown top shoulder jug with the same size red wing is valued today at $175, but yours being all white is much rarer.   Again, this is a guess on my part with no other one ever being sold to compare it to.     Hope this helps some.  Al Kohlman