3 gallon: brich leaf, target salt glaze, and large red wing Crocks

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I have 3, 3-gallon crocks from 3 different eras of Red Wing production. I believe that they are in fairly good condition, with only a couple of "dings" at the top edge on each. I was wondering what they are worth for insurance purposes. Thanks so much for your help. Jean


Answer: Jean, your three Red Wing crocks may have a value which would be to low for insurance, but that is for you to find out. The first is a 3 gallon birch leaf crock which as a value between $40 & $50. The second is a 3 gallon lazy 8 salt glaze crock, value between $100 & $125. The last 3 gallon Red Wing has a value between $40 & $50. Hope this helps. Al Kohlman