Collectors Encyclopedia Book

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I need help with a book I think has misinformation. Have you seen the Collectors Encyclopedia of salt glazed stoneware? This book has no salt glazed pieces that I , or any other potter friends can discern. I have written the publishers and they said no one has ever tried to point this out. This book is being used as a reference for prices on online auctions. The book also describes the stoneware as press molded, and it has all been poured or jiggered. I need to find out why a book like this can spread so much misinformation. A reply would be very much appreciated. I have come to this opinion after twenty five years producing salt glazed ware. Denise


Answer: Denise, I have seen the Collectors Encyclopedia of salt glazed stoneware. Your are correct as it does not relate to salt glaze. It is a good reference to Blue & White Stoneware (which is what should have been the title for this book). How they came up with that title is beyond me. I have always thought what you just wrote, but never bothered to write the publisher. Hopefully, they will be a little more thoughtful on their next publication. Al Kohlman