Crock Thefts in Rochester

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This is more of an ALERT: Many crock thefts took place last fall in Rochester, MN. My 30 gallon was stolen right off my front porch, while the front light was on…I saw the thieves put it into their car but wasn\’t fast enough to follow them. Anyway, please be aware of the thefts and screen your sellers. A picture of mine is attached. It has a distinguishing flaw on the front. Please email me if you should have any information about it (or other thefts from Rochester).
- Thank you! – Cheryl

Cheryl, sorry to hear about your loss. Crocks of this size and value can be very temping for someone to take either for quick sale or there own personal use. Thank you for making every one aware of what can happen. Hopefully one of our readers or collectors may have seen your beautiful piece and get back to you.
- Good luck. Al Kohlman