1915 Crock #15

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Question: {mosimage}
One of my customers brought the pictured crock in last month, and I just got around to doing some research on it. He claims that it’s been in his family for at least 60 years. His family made pickles in it!

It has a pull-out spout on the bottom, and a cork on the top, to the left of the "front".

Any thoughts or info would be greatly appreciated!

And this crock is for sale, at his request, so if anyone is interested, please feel free to contact me!

Thank you so much! Dan

Dan, nice looking crock. This Red Wing crock was manufactured prior to 1915. It was manufactured for dairies and Laboratories. Without the Red Wing oval and the spigot holes, this crock is somewhat unique from the other standard 15 gallon Red Wing Crocks. Hopefully some lucky Red Wing Collector will read this question and shoot you an email. Good luck! Al Kohlman