Kashmir tidbit tray

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this is the piece that has KASHMIR on the back of it. There may be more items, we haven’t unpacked all the boxes yet. What is the value of this piece and what can you tell me about it.Debbie

Answer: The Kashmir plate shown in the photo has a hole drilled in the center. The hole was drilled by workers at the pottery to create a "tidbit tray". Tidbits were made as single, double or triple tiered trays. There should be metal hardware that goes through the hole to form a handle. Tidbit trays were not included in the brochures for individual dinneware patterns nor were they included among the items available for patterns on Dealer’s Price Lists. But tidbits are shown on Novelty & Gift Item brochures, which stated that the tidbit that was shipped to the buyer would be from a random pattern. In other words, the buyer could not specifiy the pattern to be used for the tidbit. Essentially the tidbit trays were a way for Red Wing to use up discontinued or surplus plates.

Since tidbit trays were not officially an item in any dinnerware pattern, many collectors hold them in low esteem and consider them to be damaged goods because of the hole. But some collectors seek them out so they do have some value. In general single tiered tidbits are worth up to $10, two-tiered tidbits are worth $10-20 and three-tiered tidbits $15-25.
