Oomph Pattern meat roaster and with cover

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We have had this old covered platter since it came with the house we bought. It has Red Wing U S A on the bottom. It’s not big enough for a turkey but would fit a chicken nicely. We have looked on various sites and haven’t found one like it. Can you help? Thanks! Linda

Answer: You have a meat roaster with cover from the Bakeware pattern, also known as the Oomph pattern. Bakeware was produced in the mid 1940s. A brochure for this pattern featured the slogan "Red Wing puts the OOMPH into earthenware" in lettering more prominent than the lettering used for the Bakeware name, thus it came to be known as Oomph.

The meat roaster isn’t common but by no means is it rare. Value for one in excellent condition is $50-75. Damage or flaws reduce the value significantly.
