Red Wing Canister Set

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I have a 4 piece Red Wing Pottery canister set. Each canister is marked and Is a different color: T-Pink,C-Green,S-Blue,F-Yellow. I can not find any information on this set. Can you help? Thank you Kathy Mork

Your colorful canister set is from the Gypsy Trail Hostess Ware line and was made for only a couple of years in the early 1940s. The set is shown in 1940 and 1941 catalogs but not 1942. Besides your Tea, Coffee, Sugar and Flour canisters the set also included matching S (salt) and P (pepper) shakers. The set was available in Orange, Blue, Yellow, Turquoise, Pastel Pink and Pastel Green. Each piece was available in any of these colors.

These canisters are not easy to find today, especially in good condition. Most examples have chips or cracks around the rims or on the covers. A single canister in excellent condition is worth $75-125; damage reduces the value significantly.
