Red Wing Bowl

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I have a piece of Red Wing I think it would be concidered Dinnerware?It is an oval plate with a boat like bowl and they are attatched together.Its all one piece,the number on the bottom is 130.And I havent quite figured out the number meanings YET!!!And can you please send me somemore info on Red Wing I love it! Thank You So much!!! I have lots of pieces of dinnerware.I would like a member & password if possible?

Answer: I’m not sure what you have here. A bowl with attached plate might be a gravy boat, but I’d need more details or a photo before I could attempt to identify your piece. If the 130 number on the bottom was applied by ink stamp, it is merely a stock number and does not help identify the item. If the 130 was applied as part of the molding process, then most likely it is an art pottery piece.
