Red Wing 1218 and 1012, Magnolia Line

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I have a redwing pitcher and vase I just picked up and I would like to know everything about them. The pitcher is 7" by 4" and the vase is 8-1/2" by 5". There is a thin stress crack on the top of the pitchers handle where it meets the body and there is some slight wear on the bottom of the vase. Both also have a purple patina around the designs. The bottom the the vase says-top to bottom-(1218 Red Wing USA) and the pitcher says (Red Wing USA 1012). If you could tell me when they were made and what they are valued at, that would be great thanks. Brad

Answer: Hi Brad

these are part of the magnolia line, circa 1940. the glaze is called antiqued ivory. Value for the vase, around 45.00. the pitcher, with the crack, around 15.00 or so. thanks, steve n rose