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Hi Steve & Rose, I read through all 1300 questions to make sure this question hasn’t been asked before….What color glazes do the ash receivers/bud vases appear? I have white/cream, blue, yellow, and green. I’ve also seen red and saw that one of your readers had a pink one. Is that it – six colors in all? Thanks for your forum! I really appreciate that you take the time to do this. You’ve helped me out in the past and I always value your opinion! Denise
Answer: Hi Denise
you’ve been busy! I do know they were done in copper, besides the colors you mentioned. I’m not sure, this was when they were still using some Rumrill glaze colors, and making some new ones as well. there are 8 glazes listed in 1940, but a whole lot more than that in 1938, and in 1941. I would guess there are a few other colors out there. good question, hope this helps, thanks, steve n rose