Red Wing Vases: two 1198 and 220

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I have 3 red wing vases that belonged to my Mom. They stand about 10 inched high, the makings on the bottom are "Red wing USA 220" and two matching vases marked "Red wing USA 1198". The 220 was given to my Mom and Dad as a wedding present in 1944, the other two I do not know of any history. What do I have? They are all three in very good condition,almost perfect, no chips cracks or crackling. The inside of the two 1198′s are aqua inside and I can see some of that crackling on the inside bottom. Thank you for your time Elise Barber Antoni

Answer: Hi Elise

The 1198′s are from 1943-44, they came in a few different sizes, this being the smallest. They have a value of around 65.00 each. Check the other vase, the numbers aren’t matching anything I have. the 220 is a ewer with a dragon’s head for the handle. Sometimes they are quite difficult to read. hope this helps, thanks, steve n rose