question from:

I found a beauty of a dark brown/black clay vase stuffed into the rafters of my father’s garage that dates back to the early 1900s. It stands 8 inches high and is about five inches in diameter at its base. Stamped beneath it is: Red Wing USA M-5001. What are you able to share with me about the manufactuer, date it was made, its rough worth (it has a few tiny chips at its top.
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question from:

I have an old pitcher either water or cream.. it is approx 12 in high.It is white in color with blue trimmings.. There is the CGR initial on the front also done in blue. CGR stands for the Canadian Government railway which dates back in the early 1900′s… the maker of this pitcher is Jame s M. Shaw & co.. New York. Am wondering if this is a rare piece… it is in perfect condition see attached pic
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