Set of 1 to 30 gallon crocks

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My fiance’s father has some redwing pottery, sizes 1-30 in perfect, mint condition. I’m uploading a picture that I found on wikipedia to help explain what they look like. If I remember right, they all either look this picture exactly, or they may have molded handles on the side. Just wondering what something like this is worth, as my fiance’s mother has just recently passed away, and his dad is looking to sell these in hopes of help with costs. Jenni


Answer: Jenni, your father has the Red Wing zinc glaze crocks. Those with wings on them were produced from 1909 to 1947. There are three different sizes of red wings on the larger ones and this all affects the value as well as how well balanced the decorations, condition of the piece, how dark the decorations, which oval is on the piece and so on. So one really needs to see each piece to have an good idea of what it is worth. The 2 gallon Red Wing crock you have pictured was produced between 1936 & 1947. Value today is between $40 & $50. A nice 30 gallon is $300 to $350 if it has a 6 inch wing and good markings. I hope this explanation helps you understand that not every crock you here sell has the same value as one the same size that you have in your basement. Us collectors are a fussy and everything on a piece of stoneware means something and it can ad or take away from a piece worths. So here is a little help for you. 2 through 4 gallon around $15 to $17 per gallon. 5 though 10 gallon around $15 per gallon. 15 though 30 gallon $10 to $12 per gallon. Al Kohlman